Randwick Concussion Study headed for Berlin International Concussion Conference

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The results of research at Headsafe with Randwick Rugby have been accepted for presentation at the 5th International Concussion in Sport Consensus Conference in Berlin scheduled for October 2016.

This conference is held every 4 years and allows experts from around the world to pool their knowledge and share innovations.

The SCAT (Standardized Concussion Assessment Test) is the result of a consensus panel from sports represented at the conference including Rugby, Football, Ice Hockey, Equestrian and the International Olympic Committee.

Two papers have been accepted:

  • “Using neurophysiological measures to assess concussion” features the use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation as an objective measure of concussion based on the work of Dr. Alan Pearce with AFL footballers
  • “Impact monitoring and King-Devick Ocular testing” provide a relatively simple process for objectively identifying and managing concussion in sports participants and builds upon the work of Dr. Doug King in New Zealand with league and union footballers

It is a particular honour to be accepted for this prestigious conference and a tribute to the research at Headsafe.



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