Axon Cogstate 1

The Axon Sports Computerized Cognitive Assessment Tool is a neurocognitive test performed on a computer which takes most people between 8 and 10 minutes. The test measures multiple cognitive [...]

Gender Differences

Contact sports such as football and hockey are more commonly associated with concussive symptoms than sports where impact is transmitted to the head following contact with the ground. Children [...]

Concussion Epidemiology

Whilst it is helpful to suspect concussion in sports where it is common, it is also important to have a high index of suspicion coupled with sound clinical judgement whenever […]

The Physics

Basic science helps us to understand concussion as an ‘energy disease’. Transfer of energy to the brain either by a direct blow to the head or transmitted to the body […]

Course Objectives

The objectives of this course include a review of the current knowledge with regard to concussion, an understanding of the role and tools available to the doctor on the sideline […]

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