Orange Hosts HeadSafe Course and Community Forum
Orange is a beautiful town in autumn, and this weekend saw it host the HeadSafe Community Forum and training course at the Orange Health Service.
Over 30 locals gave up their Friday night to participate as Dr. Adrian Cohen outlined the latest thinking and research in concussion.
Joining the meeting organised by head of rehab, Dr. Sumitha Gounden, was a special patient, Bronte Doyle, who shared her own experiences after a fall and head injury sustained in the NSW interschools equestrian championships at the Sydney International Equestrian Centre where she was representing her school, Yanco Agricultural High School.
The next day, local doctors, physiotherapists and sport strainers participated in the level 1 and level 2 Headsafe course, with all agreeing their knowledge and confidence increased remarkably as a result of the training.
Thanks to Sumitha and Jon from the sophisticated rehab department who made this all run so smoothly………hopefully you can visit their excellent facilities as an observer rather than a patient!