Log-roll (limited equipment)
Sometimes it is necessary to move a injured person with suspected spinal cord injury, either to insert a spinal board or other piece of equipment or to return them to the supine position (on their back).
This is accomplished using what is called the log-roll Manoeuvre, and in principle refers to the fact that the injured person is moved by first responders as a single unit, like a log or pencil being rolled along a surface.
In other words, the head and neck move in alignment with the body.
In order to perform the log-roll manoeuvre, one first responder positions themselves at the head of the injured person,controlling all neck movement and gives the instructions which the supporting responders follow in unison.
The first responder at the head of the injured person provides manual inline support throughout the entire procedure.
If a cervical collar is available and the first responders are experienced in its use, it should be positioned at this stage.
Depending on the number of assistants available, the additional responders are all positioned along one side of the injured person’s body and firmly grasp their clothing in order to move them as a single unit.
The spineboard that the person is to be placed upon should be close by.
Following instructions from the first responder the head of the injured person, the injured person is rolled in a single control movement away from the spineboard.
This may either be towardsor away from the attending first responders, depending on how they are positioned which may change depending on the circumstances in which they find the injured person.
It is usually easier to roll the injured person towards the first responders and insert the spineboard distant from them.
Then insert the spineboard.
The first responder at the head of the injured person then calls for the log-roll back to the supine position.
At this stage, the straps of the spineboard should be secured, and a head immobilisation device applied if it is available and the personnel present experienced in its use.
Even without a spineboard being present it can be necessary to log-roll an injured person in order to examine their back for signs of injury or to move them from a position in which they are found on to their back for better control of the head and neck.
- Manual Inline Support of head
- Position Cervical Collar (if present)
- Person at head calls instructions
- Position other responders at shoulders and feet (minimum)
- Grasp injured person’s clothing firmly
- Position spineboard close by
- Roll as one unit AWAY from spineboard
- Insert spineboard against injured person
- Roll board and injured person back to horizontal
- Secure spineboard straps
- Secure headbed (if available)