The diagnosis of acute concussion usually involves assessment of a range of domains including clinical symptoms, physical signs, cognitive impairment, neurobehavioral [...]

Common Signs and Symptoms

+/- LOC Headache Dizziness Nausea/vomiting Unaware of period, opposition, score Confusion Amnesia Unaware of time, place, date Vacant stare/glassy eyed Slurred speech Feeling “dinged,” “slow,” [...]


More than 3,800,000 Sports Brain Injuries / year 300,000 / year result in loss of consciousness Over 250,000 SBI in high school football / year ER visits more than tripled […]

Hands-on Doctors

HANDS doctors will ultimately be recognised as the “concussion experts” for: Local, state and federal policy-making and advice Attendance at sports to monitor potential concussion, spinal injury [...]

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