Headsafe Course Now BOSTES Approved For Teachers
The Board of Studies teaching and Educational Standards NSW (BOSTES) has approved both the HeadSafe and NeckSafe courses for teachers.
Both courses will contribute 5 hours of QTC Registered Professional Development (PD) addressing sections 4. 4.2. 6.2.2, 6.3.2, 7.42 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW. The School Sport Unit will provide relief costs for one teacher per DoE school per workshop for Term 1 and Term 2, 2017.
The first Workshop on Concussion for NSW Teachers is to be held 27 March at Lidcombe Public School from 0830 to 1530.
School Sport Unit – HeadSafe is a workshop designed to provide guidance on concussion. The aim of the course is to raise awareness and understanding of concussion and to ensure best practice management of concussion injuries. Teachers, students, players, parents, coaches, and officials need to act in the best interest of student safety and welfare of any person suspected of suffering concussion. The knowledge and skills provided by this workshop will allow teachers to recognise the signs and symptoms of concussion and safely manage these appropriately.
School Sport Unit – NeckSafe covers the acute management of spinal injuries, whether in the playground or on the sporting field. Key messages focus on awareness, recognitions, initial management and first responses.
Dr. Adrian Cohen
e: ado@concussion.training p: +61 418 25 3333 PO Box 509 Bondi 2026