Primary prevention
In terms of preventative measures, reference is usually made to Primary and Secondary prevention.
Primary prevention aims to eliminate the circumstances in which a spinal cord injury can occur in the first place.
In the modern world, this scenario is impractical and we accept that accidents will almost certainly happen.
- No spinal injuries =
- No cars
- No bikes
- No falls
- No contact sports
- No accidents
Not very likely!!
Given this, there are a number of things that can be done to lessen the likelihood of spinal-cord injury occurring through primary prevention.
This includes the role of legislation, protective equipment, seat belts in vehicles, the use of helmets on motorised and non-powered equipment and in contact sports, education programs, rule changes, training of personnel and participants, the safe design of vehicles, sporting fields and equipment as well as a culture of safety which aims to minimise risks to individuals, which can all be effective as primary preventative measures in isolation or combination.
- Legislation
- Protective Equipment
- Seat belts
- Helmets
- Safety design
- Safety culture
Some help….