Roles of Neurocognitive Tests

Neurocognitive testing should be part of a comprehensive concussion management program and evaluation of any individual. Where there is any doubt about the usefulness of any of these simplified [...]

Issues that Affect Test

Like all tests, neurocognitive assessment must be used judiciously and a number of factors that affect the test should be taken into account and, importantly, documented if it is felt […]

Neurocognitive Testing

Neurocognitive tests are useful to assist the doctor monitoring and managing a player who suffered a concussion or head injury. These tests are not a direct measure of concussion but […]

The Lystedt Law

In the USA, laws have been enacted in all 50 States to prevent children and adolescents being allowed to return to sport because of the potential for secondary impact syndrome. […]

Second Impact Syndrome

Children and adolescents are also susceptible to what is referred to as “second impact syndrome” or catastrophic diffuse cerebral swelling which can result in death or severe [...]

Children and Adolescents

It is critical to realise the children and adolescents take longer to recover after a concussion than adults due to the fact that their brain is still undergoing development and […]

When to Refer to Emergency Department

Players who have suffered a head impact should immediately be referred to the emergency department of a hospital if they have: been unconscious for more than two minutes exhibit focal […]

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