Sydney will host a series of HeadSafe Community Concussion Seminars in November 2016 in conjunction with Sports Medicine Australia (SMA) and the NSW Office of Sport from 6.30pm till 8.30pm over a 2 week period.
As part of SMA’s community engagement, the seminars will showcase the latest concussion research featuring the HeadSafe Randwick Rugby Project which features the unique X Patch Biosensor (worn behind the player’s ear to measure impacts) and practical advice for teams, players, administrators and parents..
Locations and dates are:
The evenings will run from 6.30pm till 8pm and also provide a question and answer forum for parents, coaches, medical staff and the community featuring players from the area. Each session will provide an update from all sporting codes and information for players and parents relevant to schools, districts, amateur, professional and elite levels.
This initiative is proudly supported by Sports Medicine Australia (SMA) and will feature Dr. Adrian Cohen, founder of HeadSafe and NeckSafe.
This one-hour workshop focuses on concussion injuries in sport and the management of return to play protocol. Topics include:
Tickets are strictly limited and are available from: BOOK TICKETS BY CLICKING HERE
This Headsafe Community Concussion Forum is an initiative of Necksafe, a NFP charity dedicated to the prevention of head and neck injuries.
More information at