St. Ives Physio will host a HeadSafe Level 1 and Level 2 Course on 4th February 2018 from 0900 till 1530
Book online here:
The HeadSafe course is devoted to the Acute Management of Head Injuries and Concussion
Headsafe teaches the first person on the scene of a potential head injury how to assess and manage the situation.
Areas covered in the training include:
The HeadSafe course is taught by experts in the field to ensure that the experiences gained have practical application in the real world
Book online here:
This Headsafe Community Concussion Forum is an initiative of Necksafe, a NFP charity dedicated to the prevention of head and neck injuries. More information at
You will need only comfortable clothing to wear, and we will not be doing any tackling….other than of some knotty issues!
Please bring your LAPTOP COMPUTER as well as your PORTABLE SMARTPHONE/TABLET (iPhone, iPad, Android etc) if you have them, so that you can utilise the online tools we will be demonstrating…..some run only on the full PC/Mac platform, others on both computers and mobile devices. If you need a Wireless Internet “dongle” or to “tether” your computer to your phone, please make arrangements and test them prior to arriving……unsure if WiFi is available at the venue.